Merino top
This Merino combed top comes in an array of colours and is produced
from flocks mostly located in western Poland. The wool has an average micron
count of 27 and thus the wool has a medium hand, quite unlike most other Merino
tops available. The top is suitable for both spinning and felting.
Available in 50 g and 250 g packs as well as assorted sets of
four colours of 100 g total.
White milled rice 50 g
Light yellow 50 g
Yellow 50 g
Gold 50 g
Lime 50 g
Green 50 g
Deep Blue Sea 50 g
Turquoise 50 g
Sapphire 50 g
Navy 50 g
Eggplant 50 g
Heather 50 g
Fuchsia 50 g
Red 50 g
Medium red 50 g
Orange 50 g
Black 50 g
White milled rice 250 g
Light yellow 250 g
Yellow 250 g
Gold 250 g
Lime 250 g
Green 250 g
Deep Blue Sea 250 g
Turquoise 250 g
Sapphire 250 g
Navy 250 g
Eggplant 250 g
Heather 250 g
Fuchsia 250 g
Red 250 g
Medium red 250 g
Black 250 g